

So the most basic factories that you can write are just functions which return models.

from sqlalchemy_model_factory import register_at

def new_foo():
    return Foo()

def test_foo(mf):
    foo = mf.foo.new()
    assert isinstance(foo, Foo)


Note, you can also create nested models through relationships and whatnot; and that will all work normally.

from sqlalchemy_model_factory import register_at

class Foo(Base):

    bar = relationship('Bar')

class Bar(Base):

    baz = relationship('Baz')

def new_foo():

General Use Functions

In some cases, you’ll have a a function already handy that returns the equivalent signature of a model (or you just want a function that returns the signature).

In this case, your function will act as the originally defined function when called normally, however when invoked in the context of the ModelFactory, it returns the specified model instance.

from sqlalchemy_model_factory import for_model, register_at

def new_foo():
    return {'id': 1, 'name': 'bar'}

def test_foo(mf):
    foo = mf.foo.new()
    assert foo.id == 1
    assert foo.name == 'bar'

    raw_foo = new_foo()
    assert raw_foo == {'id': 1, 'name': 'bar'}

Sources of Uniqueness

Suppose you’ve got a column defined with a constraint, like name = Column(types.Integer(), unique=True).

Suddenly you’ll need to parametrize your factory to accept a name param. However if you actually don’t care about the specific name values, you have a few options.


Automatically incrementing number values is one option. Your factory will be automatically supplied with an autoincrement parameter, known to not collide with previously generated values.

from sqlalchemy_model_factory import autoincrement, register_at

def new_foo(autoincrement=1):
    return Foo(name=f'name{autoincrement}')

def test_foo(mf):
    assert mf.foo.new().name == 'name1'
    assert mf.foo.new().name == 'name2'
    assert mf.foo.new().name == 'name3'


You’ve been working along and writing factories and you finally find yourself in a situation like this.

def new_foo(name='name', height=2, width=3, depth=3, category='foo', autoincrement=1):

And in the event your test requires a number of identical parameters across multiple calls, you might end up with test code that looks like.

def test_foo(mf):
    width_4 = mf.foo.new(height=3, category='bar', width=4)
    width_5 = mf.foo.new(height=3, category='bar', width=5)
    width_6 = mf.foo.new(height=3, category='bar', width=6)
    width_7 = mf.foo.new(height=3, category='bar', width=7)

The above (as a dirt simple example, that might be easily solved in different ways) has got most of its information duplicated unnecessarily.

The “fluent” decorator

A simple solution to this general problem category is the fluent decorator. Which adapts a given callable to be able to be called in a fluent style.

def test_foo(mf):
    bar_type_foo = mf.foo.new(3).category('bar')

    width_4 = bar_type_foo.width(4).bind()
    width_5 = bar_type_foo.width(5).bind()
    width_6 = bar_type_foo.width(6).bind()
    width_7 = bar_type_foo.width(7).bind()

Now in this particular case, you could have just done a for-loop over the original set of calls, or maybe functools.partial could have sufficed, but the fluent pattern is more generally useful than just in cases like this.

Also from the callee’s perspective, there’s not necessarily any requirement that all the args have their parameter names supplied, so you might end up reading foo.new('a', 3, 4, 5, 'ro'), which is arguably far less readable.

To note, the bind call at the end of each expression above is necessary to let the fluent calls know that its done being called (because as you might notice, we didn’t call all the available methods we could have called). But this also serves as a convenient point at which to add custom behaviors. (for example you could supply .bind(call_after=print) to have it print out the final result of the function; see the api portion of the docs for the full set of options.)

Class-style factories

From the perspective of the model factory, all factory “functions” are just callables, so you can always manually mimic something like the above fluent decorator in a class so that you can implement your own custom behavior for each option.

class NewFoo:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def name(self, name):
        self.__class__(**self.kwargs, name=name)

    def width(self, width):
        self.__class__(**self.kwargs, width=width)

    def bind(self):
        return Foo(**self.kwargs)

Albeit, with the above, very naive implementation, your test code would end up looking like

def test_foo(mf):
    bar_foo = mf.foo.new().name('bar')
    width_4 = bar_fo.width(4).bind()
    width_5 = bar_fo.width(5).bind()